Basically, our 100% pure ceremonial raw chocolate is made uniquely to save all these valuable ingredients. The final product can be beans, paste, powder or nibs.
So there are different possibilities you can enjoy 100% pure chocolate. There are many meals, bowls, drinks, soups and a lot more, in which you can integrate raw cacao easily.
You want to try 100% pure cacao, but you don’t know where to order? Have a look at our shop and order online. Once you tried and involved it in your daily routines, you will recognize the difference and what it does to your body and soul in a super positive way. Because in case you didn’t know, pure cacao only contains a ton of healthy nutritions, you won’t find that easy in comparable food.
The beans are the foundation of cacao. A raw cacao bean is dried and fermented.
You can consume the beans as a snack. It’s an extraordinary taste and different from normal chocolate, because the ingredients are pure, originally and with 0 % sugar or industrial influence. So what you taste is pureness and how a cacao bean should taste on its origin handmade.
The cacao bars can be made out of the cacao beans. And as mentioned, you can also eat them as a snack. There are many meals you can integrate the 100% cacao bean. Ranging from sweet to salty, from lunch to dessert etc.
Can you imagine having chilli with pure cacao or a super spicy cacao sauce?
Have a look at our upcoming recipes, and we will show you how to do recipes like that.
Nibs are made out of the cacao beans. The beans are crushed and what you get are the nibs. These raw nibs got a bitter chocolate flavour. You can snack them daily, because – like all the other cacao products – they are full of magnesium, ideal for the metabolism and also hypotensive.
If you are a “late-night-snacker” those nibs are perfect for you, because they don’t include sugar, milk or other additives.
For sure, you can also refine your bowl, yoghurt, cereal with it. In the end it can be used in many ways, and you can try it with everything you like to try it.
Powder is self-explanatory. But you have to know, that at first the butter has been removed and the powder results of the pure dried and milled cacao. Instead of nibs, you get powder out of the cacao bean.
You can use the cacao powder in many ways. For cooking, baking or in top of a drink.
There are no limits. We only show you some examples you can use the powder for.
Why not use it in your chilli or in your smoothie? If you want to have more inspirations on how to integrate 100% pure cacao in your meals, drinks etc. have a look at our different recipes.
Last but not least, we will show you the cacao paste. Of course, it is 100 % pure like the other ones. The production of the paste happens by grinding. The kernels of chocolate are roasted and deprived. It is also very special, because the paste contains the super valuable butter.
You can have a hot cacao drink out of the paste or other drink variations. Have a look at our variable drinks out of 100% pure cacao paste.
So let’s start with the chocolate bars you get in every supermarket.
Standard chocolate, directly out of the supermarket, is a mixed cocoa mass with a lot of industrial sugar. Mostly common as chocolate bars. For sure every chocolate is different – maybe there are some with less sugar etc.
But just to give you a perspective: This is not the cacao we are attracted to.
Contrary, we try to get people to have a super close look at raw cacao and all its benefits.
Cacamo Cacao for example is made by a local farm in Bali. The high quality of this cacao is unique.
Did you know that cacao is harvested out of a cacao fruit. This is not possible in a production line. So every fruit is harvested, got to be opened to get the cacao beans and the pulp out. Furthermore the beans and the pulp are going to be fermented for more or less one week. In this week the farmers have to stir regularly, so that it’s not getting too hot.
After this procedure the beans drie. Now they have to carefully break the beans to finally get their cores.
Until now it is already very complex. And it goes on.
The cores are going through a grinder with a special temperature. This must be controlled, so it can only be done manually.
It is also not common that the cacao still contains the butter. You won’t find butter in any chocolate bars in the supermarket – the butter is removed and fat is added. For sure the butter is one of the most important ingredients in our handmade raw cacao paste.
Why is it so complex?
The procedure of raw cacao is handmade and local.
All this is necessary to get the best out of the cacao which is harvested. The result is high healthy ingredients that don’t get lost during an industrial production or procedure.
Antioxidants are the key of raw cacao. And it includes a lot of it.
They are good for the balance of the cholesterol level. It’s reducing a possible heart attack or apoplexie and is also lowering blood pressure.
Good news also is that the antioxidants are good for the skin. And these are such a few aspects of these super healthy ingredients.
If you want to have a closer look check out all the health benefits of raw cacao.
Let’s sum it up until now. Raw cacao is more expensive because of the super complex procedure and the high healthy ingredients.
The last point contains the import of raw cacao. Let’s look at the raw CACAMO cacao that is harvested in Bali. It is a unique one and can be ordered from everywhere.
So you can order original Balinese high-end food from Bali to everywhere in the world.
Add this up with the procedure of the production and the super healthy nutrition, and you have the answer why raw cacao is more expensive than the surgery industrial chocolate bars from the supermarket.
If you want to dive deeper into the world of our CACAMO cacao, have a look at our online cacao ceremony course.
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We all know this feeling: Going to bed, knowing that the next day or he whole week is going to bed, knowing that the next day or the whole week is going to be super stressful. So we prepare our food, because we don’t want to turn into an unhealthy and fast eating habit.
We take care of our bodies to get out the best.
Maybe it sounds a bit complicated and time consuming, but it really isn’t.
On the contrary: It is not only 2 minutes, it is also super healthy for your body and mind!
– raw cacao lifts your mood and supports your well-being.
– it lowers blood pressure and you get more energy for your busy week.
– daily consumption lets your skin look younger and full of energy.
Have a look at our latest article about 10 impressive facts about cacao.
Here are some further facts about what is special
about cacamo cacao:
2 minute raw cacamo cacao drink:
All you need is the cacamo cacao paste, water or vegan milk and if necessary some spices
You can enjoy your raw cacao drink in a lot of different ways. We, Cacamo, offer several ceremonies for your body and soul. You can participate online so it doesn’t matter where you are in the world but also offline – have a look at our different ceremonies. We would love to see you there!
We all know: The eye eats with us. Beside real edible flowers, you can also decorate your food creation with self-made delicious chocolate leaves. Their look and their intensive taste will convince your guests.
And it is also suitable as a small treat in between meals or a little snack during the day.
You can decorate any dish. Or you can simply give your leaves as sweets with a cup of coffee. If you freeze your edible leaves, they will keep for a long time.
Tip: For those who like the candy after eight – use mint leaves, they will give your chocolate leaves a slightly mint taste. If you want your leaves to be real minty skip point seven, the color mix of green and brown will make your chocolate leaves also more decorative. (like in the photo above)
And for sure, you can prepare those leaves for a cacao ceremony as well!
Summer is as good as over and autumn is in the starting blocks and figs have main season. And what could be better than using this seasonal fruit in a delicious and healthy smoothie? You’re right – nothing, so here you get the recipe for our powerful Indian summer smoothie
You can drink this smoothie in the morning or also in the midday while you enjoy the last sun rays – honestly, you can drink it anytime you need a time-out.
This is the time of the year, when we mostly start asking ourselves, where we want to be the next year(s).
Maybe some of you are curious about something new and like to have a deeper dive into the cacao theme and whats behind the 100% raw cacao.
We always have some upcoming events next to our Cacao Facilitator Course. Have a look and we would love to see you there!
When it comes to superfoods, cacao can’t be left out. With more than 1,200 different chemical ingredients, cacao beans are one of the richest and most complex foods man know. We have collected 10 health facts about this powerful beans you should know:
Cacao consumes serotonin, dopamine, tryptophan and anandamide. All of them have a mood-lifting effect on us humans and can enhance our sense of well-being.
The flavonoids in cacao dilate blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure and increases energy. They also help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels and are a weight loss approach that improves cardiovascular health.
Cacao as a superfood contains 40 times more antioxidants than blueberries. They can protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals, known as oxidative stress.
There are also huge amounts of Phenylethylamine (PEA) raw cacao. PEA serves as an energy booster and increases alertness and concentration.
Cacao increases high-density lipoprotein levels(HDL).HDL, the so-called “good cholesterol”, and the higher the level, the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Daily consumption of raw cacao, like cacao paste, can reduce wrinkles and improve the elasticity of women’s skin. – That’s what recent studies have shown.
Raw cacao has more calcium than cow’s milk, up to 160 mg per 100g. Quantitatively, calcium is the most important mineral in the human body. Almost 100% of calcium is contained in bones and teeth – it keeps bones and teeth stable.
The alkaloid theobromine, found in cacao, is thought to block the action of sensory nerves and interrupt the cough reflex. In addition, it also has a similar effect on the human organism as caffeine, which boosts alertness.
Cacao beans are by far the highest vegetable source of iron, containing 46.8 mg/100g, while spinach, which is said to be rich in iron contains only 4.1 mg/100g.
Cacao is also among the top performers when it comes to magnesium. It contains up to 500 mg/100g which is why cacao can also relieve the symptoms of PMS.
As you can see, cacao is a real superfood. By replacing your morning coffee with a big cup of warm cacao (out of cacao paste) you have all the ingredients to start your day full of energy. Also have a look at our recipes, there you will find many healthy creations you can incorporate into your day.
Enjoy your sin free dessert in your favourite cup!
When we are talking about ceremonies, the term rituals often comes up as well. Many of us think a ritual and a ceremony mainly describe the same, but they don’t. There is a small but subtle difference between both of them. In the following blog post we will explain to you the meanings of each term. After that you may also understand why we talk about a cacao ceremony and not a ritual.
First of all let’s clarify the term “ritual”
Broadly spoken, a ritual is an action which will be repeated over and over in a consistent way. Unlike habits we all have integrated in our daily lives, rituals are meant to have a positive impact for you and your inner peace of mind. They bring inner peace, support and stability. In order we can center ourselves and gain strength for our everyday life.
For closer understanding here’s a little example:
If you get up every morning and put on your bathrobe first, brush your teeth and then do your hair, it’s more a habit than a ritual. On the other hand, if you go sit down on the terrace with a cup of raw cacao after getting up in the morning, spend 20 minutes enjoying nature and breathe in morning air while listening to the wind and birds around you, it is a ritual. By performing rituals like this, you become more focused and rational to manage your everydays life.
However, a ceremony is a festive act. It follows a set order or a rite* which usually has a symbolic nature, such as a wedding or a welcoming ceremony at state receptions. It is usually performed with a certain intention to request a specific result. In many cases it is also built on one or more rituals. But even if it is repeated now and then, a ceremony will never become a ritual. Even though one and the same person repeats it.
A ceremony always stays a ceremony
While a ceremony always stays a ceremony, an everyday ritual on the other hand can transform into a ceremony. You just need to attach a larger ceremonial value to the action and celebrate your ritual as a feast. For example: If we shape our morning ritual more festive by making preparations, drumming on a pow wow in the beginning. And if we also do it for a special reason on a specific day – such as the first morning after new moon to thank nature for it’s beauty – our morning ritual becomes a ceremony.
In conclusion to all of that, you can say that rituals and ceremonies have an important healing function for each one of us but also for society. That is why it is so important to integrate them in our lives.
*A rite essentially describes a settled order of performing mostly ceremonial or religious actions. They fall into three major categories: rites of passage, communal rites and rites of personal devotion.
Did you ever wish for a healthy chocolate syrup? There you go. This chocolate syrup isn’t just healthy, it’s also vegan and highly versatile.
Whether you use it to spice up your breakfast bowl, a quick cocoa or as decoration – frankly it’s perfect for everything and therefore a must for any chocaholic.
Tip: If you want to store the syrup for long-term, put it in the freezer and take it out when your last jar is over. Once it is open you got to use it in between 2 weeks. Enjoy your healthy syrup.
How good would ne the combination of the syrup with the coconut ice cream? 🙂
Refreshing, fruity and healthy – our summer smoothie bowl is the perfect start into your day.
Slightly frozen and with the power of berries and cacao. That’s how summer mornings should taste like.