Health benefits of raw cacao


Everything in you is turned on to have a spiritual cacao ceremony. Beyond the preparation the most important question is, where is the right place for your ceremony?


But first, let’s get deeper into the ceremony itself. A cacao ceremony is, for sure, all about cacao. That’s a main, but not the only thing of it. Because of the 100% pure cacao your mind and your body will be relaxed. That’s because of the high amount of minerals. So, during a cacao ceremony you will lose your inner wall and open your heart.

What you do during a cacao ceremony?

The ceremony will lead you into your inner self and releases barricades. So, it is the perfect chance to bound with your inner self and during journaling, meditation, dancing, singing and conscious breathing and drinking raw cacao.

This is what a ceremony looks like, but to really feel the community and the spirit join one of our ceremonies or courses and dive into the power of raw chocolate.


The right place for your ceremony


You can notice a few points to get the right place for your ceremony.

Fundamentally there are no special regulations, so that your right place has to look like a fixed scheme. Every place can be as individual as the human being.

There are just a few tips, how you can create and inspire your place for the ceremony.


At home:

For example, in our further article, we wrote down how you can create your own sacred cacao ceremony at home.

ceremony and ritual

In the article, we focus on calmness to create enough space for your feelings, your thoughts and your own space. It is important, that you can’t be disturbed during your ceremony. 

Take everything you love to the place. Everything, that opens your heart. From your favorite objects to your favorite scent.


You can have this ceremony only with yourself or with people around you.


Here are some inspirations, where you can find your right place for your ceremony:

       Nature! If the nature makes you feel whole, let the forest, the rivers, water be your special sacred place

       Temples/ churches! Do you feel best in a temple or a church, reach out for it.

       Yoga Centers! Here you’ve got all in one. A comfortable atmosphere, for which you don’t have to care of. You can just arrive and enjoy the ceremony.


It is also possible to join a whole festival and have a spiritual cacao ceremony with a lot of people, feeling the vibes. In this case the ceremony will be in the nature.

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