Basically, our 100% pure ceremonial raw chocolate is made uniquely to save all these valuable ingredients. The final product can be beans, paste, powder or nibs.
So there are different possibilities you can enjoy 100% pure chocolate. There are many meals, bowls, drinks, soups and a lot more, in which you can integrate raw cacao easily.
You want to try 100% pure cacao, but you don’t know where to order? Have a look at our shop and order online. Once you tried and involved it in your daily routines, you will recognize the difference and what it does to your body and soul in a super positive way. Because in case you didn’t know, pure cacao only contains a ton of healthy nutritions, you won’t find that easy in comparable food.
The beans are the foundation of cacao. A raw cacao bean is dried and fermented.
You can consume the beans as a snack. It’s an extraordinary taste and different from normal chocolate, because the ingredients are pure, originally and with 0 % sugar or industrial influence. So what you taste is pureness and how a cacao bean should taste on its origin handmade.
The cacao bars can be made out of the cacao beans. And as mentioned, you can also eat them as a snack. There are many meals you can integrate the 100% cacao bean. Ranging from sweet to salty, from lunch to dessert etc.
Can you imagine having chilli with pure cacao or a super spicy cacao sauce?
Have a look at our upcoming recipes, and we will show you how to do recipes like that.
Nibs are made out of the cacao beans. The beans are crushed and what you get are the nibs. These raw nibs got a bitter chocolate flavour. You can snack them daily, because – like all the other cacao products – they are full of magnesium, ideal for the metabolism and also hypotensive.
If you are a “late-night-snacker” those nibs are perfect for you, because they don’t include sugar, milk or other additives.
For sure, you can also refine your bowl, yoghurt, cereal with it. In the end it can be used in many ways, and you can try it with everything you like to try it.
Powder is self-explanatory. But you have to know, that at first the butter has been removed and the powder results of the pure dried and milled cacao. Instead of nibs, you get powder out of the cacao bean.
You can use the cacao powder in many ways. For cooking, baking or in top of a drink.
There are no limits. We only show you some examples you can use the powder for.
Why not use it in your chilli or in your smoothie? If you want to have more inspirations on how to integrate 100% pure cacao in your meals, drinks etc. have a look at our different recipes.
Last but not least, we will show you the cacao paste. Of course, it is 100 % pure like the other ones. The production of the paste happens by grinding. The kernels of chocolate are roasted and deprived. It is also very special, because the paste contains the super valuable butter.
You can have a hot cacao drink out of the paste or other drink variations. Have a look at our variable drinks out of 100% pure cacao paste.
Everything in you is turned on to have a spiritual cacao ceremony. Beyond the preparation the most important question is, where is the right place for your ceremony?
But first, let’s get deeper into the ceremony itself. A cacao ceremony is, for sure, all about cacao. That’s a main, but not the only thing of it. Because of the 100% pure cacao your mind and your body will be relaxed. That’s because of the high amount of minerals. So, during a cacao ceremony you will lose your inner wall and open your heart.
What you do during a cacao ceremony?
The ceremony will lead you into your inner self and releases barricades. So, it is the perfect chance to bound with your inner self and during journaling, meditation, dancing, singing and conscious breathing and drinking raw cacao.
This is what a ceremony looks like, but to really feel the community and the spirit join one of our ceremonies or courses and dive into the power of raw chocolate.
You can notice a few points to get the right place for your ceremony.
Fundamentally there are no special regulations, so that your right place has to look like a fixed scheme. Every place can be as individual as the human being.
There are just a few tips, how you can create and inspire your place for the ceremony.
At home:
For example, in our further article, we wrote down how you can create your own sacred cacao ceremony at home.
In the article, we focus on calmness to create enough space for your feelings, your thoughts and your own space. It is important, that you can’t be disturbed during your ceremony.
Take everything you love to the place. Everything, that opens your heart. From your favorite objects to your favorite scent.
Here are some inspirations, where you can find your right place for your ceremony:
– Nature! If the nature makes you feel whole, let the forest, the rivers, water be your special sacred place
– Temples/ churches! Do you feel best in a temple or a church, reach out for it.
– Yoga Centers! Here you’ve got all in one. A comfortable atmosphere, for which you don’t have to care of. You can just arrive and enjoy the ceremony.
It is also possible to join a whole festival and have a spiritual cacao ceremony with a lot of people, feeling the vibes. In this case the ceremony will be in the nature.
Did you ever ask yourself which nutrients are exactly in pure cacao?
Sure, we have got an idea – but let’s get deeper into it!
Raw cacao went more known and popular the last year as a superfood. That occurs mainly on his many health benefits.
Raw Cacao needs a tropical climate to grow. So, the places, where it can be grown are rare. The highest productions are in West Africa.
Did you know, that there aren’t big productions who grow raw cacao? No, it is mostly harvested by smallholders.
Therefore, it is important not to confound raw cacao with the common cocoa bars you get in the supermarket.
Notice the difference of raw cacao!
Let’s have a look at the differences between raw cacao and cocoa.
When you have a look at the supermarket shelves you will see a huge choice of different chocolate bars, spread, cookies, cake etc. – that belong to the cocoa.
The purest chocolate you can eat is raw cacao, because the unroasted beans are processed cold. Because of that process the beans have so many health benefits.
On the other hand, cocoa is processed hot. And as we know, heat destroys for example a big part of micronutrients. After that the cocoa bars are produces industrial, with a lot of sugar and more non-natural ingredients.
Finally, there is a big amount of Nutrition Values in the raw cacao. Let’s have a detailed look at it!
The effect of Theobromine is comparable to the effect of caffeine, but not that strong, more long term and much milder.
Furthermore, it dilates blood vessels and prevent blood clots. [Suparni N1]
Manly Flavonoids are known to strengthen the brain. Therefore, it is also important to elderly people.
Other nutrients are sulfur, copper, magnesium, calcium, iron, cobalt, boron, B vitamins and a high amount of protein.
Every single nutrient is a benefit for your health. In general, you can point out the following enumeration just as the beginning, because there are so many studies running to check out further positive effects of raw cacao.
· Positive to the whole organism
· Reduction of cataracts
· Strengthens the heart
· Supports the immune system
· Calms down in your stressful everyday life
· Reduces risk of cancer
· Lowers blood pressure
· Supports brain function
· Supporting effect on hormonal and lymphatic system
· Reduces the risk of diabetes
· Reduces inflammation
· And many more
What’s up with the thesis, that cacao can make you “high?”
Well, pure cacao can trigger extraordinary feelings, like high happiness for example. As you know, you can drink it in a spiritual ceremony in a higher concentration. You will get a very good feeling because of all the natural elements and nutrients in the raw cacao.
Have a look how to make your own sacred ceremonial cacao?
In this article, we underlined the health benefits of raw cacao. Many people don’t know that there are big nutritional differences between cacao and cocoa.
So, when you are in the supermarket, have a closer look at what you put in your shopping bin. Maybe there are healthier alternatives, which are much better for your health.
And keep in mind, that industrial produced chocolate works against your health.
Do you want to know more about the effectiveness of cacao?
Dive into it and apply for our cacao ceremony course!